Bariatric Psychological Assessment
Psychological Assessment Prior to Bariatric Surgery
Laparoscopic Gastric banding
Given the limited data on predicting success after surgery, determining psychological contraindications for surgery is addressed. Bariatric surgery has inherent risks and requires highly restrictive, long-term behavioral changes afterwards. The nature of anxiety disorders may increase a patient’s risk for difficulties in controlling apprehension before or immediately after surgery, when unexpected medical news is presented or changes are made to the treatment plan, and in regard to somatic sensations to which they may be oversensitive and interpret as problematic. History of substance abuse raises concerns, as there is some anecdotal evidence that when patients can no longer “abuse” food, they shift addictions. Personality disorder is often associated with obesity either as a cause of the personality disorder or a result of the eating disorder. Substance Abuse Disorder, Body Dysmorphic disorder, Eating Disorder, Suicidality, Anxiety and Depression are assessed to determine risk factors and success of surgical proceedures. The risk of regaining weight after surgery due to stress and/or anxiety from the new attention one may recieve for their smaller stature also can occur and the psychological evaluation can dettermine emotional regulation and stability to cope with these changes. The clients’ reason for surgery, exercise and eating habits, weight loss strategies and diets attemtped, health history and family healtth history are also obtained during the interview process. A review of psychological interventions, resources, and special areas of concern are reviewed with the client.
Call (770) 312-2319 for an appointment.